We are finally ready to finish drawing memory cues with pictures for Psalm 19:1-4a, drawing verse 4 (Part III of the series).
Drawing the Bible for memory is a way to remember scripture by using pictures that represent a word or group of words. These pictures are memory cues and are fun for everyone even if you don’t draw at all!
Part I and Part II, if you missed them:
How do I memorize Bible verses? (Draw Psalm 19:1-4a for memory- Part I, verse 1)
Bible verse memorization trick! (Draw Psalm 19:1-4a for memory- Part II, verse 2 & 3)
Before we dive into verse four, I was thinking it would be really fun to have a special notebook for creating these drawings of scripture!
Sometimes having new supplies can give a weightiness to a project that we can’t get using our normal notebook paper and markers. It’s always fun to get new supplies as well, but your everyday copy paper, lined paper, or card stock and a simple pencil or ballpoint pen will work just great!
I did some snooping around on Amazon and found a great sketch pad with a top wire that could work well. We have had terrific luck with the Canson papers and ordered many of their pads over the last few years.
They come in different sizes and paper weights, so check it out. You may be able to find something at a local store that would work good too.
Wouldn’t it be fun to make a special cover for it on card stock and glue that on the front?!
I can’t wait to order mine!
Just in case you love pens as much as I do and have never tried InkJoy…here’s a link, but be careful…they are addicting! These would work for doing the pictures in color and adding quick color to areas to make them pop.

Psalm 19:1-4a
1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.
3 There is no speech or language
where their voice is not heard.
4 Their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.
I love that the heavens and skies have a voice that goes out into all the earth, to the end of the world!
It makes me think of all the nations who have not yet heard the word of God in their native language, but still have the same big, beautiful sky overhead, proclaiming the truth of the creator and his wisdom!
Do you ever think about all the people over thousands of years who lived and died without hearing about Jesus? Do you wonder if deep in their soul they knew the creator because of living in his creation?
Romans teaches us in Chapter 1 verses 19 and 20 this very idea:
…since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities- his eternal power and divine nature -have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

This should give us comfort that our loving God has made a way for all to see him and come to him. He’s made it ‘plain’, it’s not complicated or convoluted for those who look up and look around.
I wonder what those heart moments were like for people long ago who lived so close to God in nature and experienced a pure form of his creation? Did their soul sing?
They had the benefit of not being influenced by social media, marketing, television, entertainment industries, and the like, coming at them with the speed of a category 5 hurricane…ironically also part of God’s creation!
I pray many of them had a connection with God because they intimately experienced his creation.
Enjoy Part III of Psalm 19 and look for many more drawings for Bible memory to come!
Leave a comment below if you have adapted this drawing. Sometimes discussion and family experience lead to a different drawing and better memory cue than what worked for my family!
[This article contains affiliate links to Amazon. If you purchase with a link I make a small commission. Any product I link to is one I have used or vouch for unless stated otherwise. ]