When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
As moms, we are constantly springing into action to wipe a nose, help with a math problem, start dinner, the list goes on and on.
We all know these demands can make us weary. We have needs too, and sometimes they just don’t get met. But eventually, you can’t pour water from an empty pitcher.
On the other hand, God has called us to the most important position: motherhood. Hardly any job on the planet has more power to shape a child and more value with an adult.
We have to balance caring for ourselves with stepping up to the job of motherhood God has given us the privilege to complete. This is a tricky balancing act.
As in the poem, it is often when we have finally, “settled down for a long winter’s nap” that we are called into action! Pray for stamina to not let this dynamic throw you off or be annoying. Train the kids to be independent and not automatically default to call, “MOM”!
This Christmas, pray the Lord shows you how to rest in him and not feel guilty for taking time for yourself. Ask him for energy and patience to fulfill the demands of family life during the holidays (and remember to say “no” often to preserve your peace).
1-Mom gets to sit on the couch. 🙂
2-Kids form a circle on the floor with tinsel garland and stand around the outside.
3-Mom calls either “in” or “out”
4-kids spring into action and jump inside the garland circle if “in” is called. If “out” is called, they jump but stay outside the garland circle.
If kids are all standing inside the circle, calling “in” would mean a jump in place, and calling “out” would mean jumping back outside the circle.
5-Kids are eliminated if they make a mistake and jump in if “out” is called, and vice versa.
6-Last one standing gets to rub mom’s feet. Just joking! Gets a treat!
This man defintely does quite a balancing act!! Enjoy!