People love to make factual statements based on assumptions, anecdotal evidence, and biased narratives. Many times, these statements are untrue and unsupportive to specific groups.
One of the statements that conjure up fear in homeschooling parents is that our children will have educational gaps. Evidently, no one else in public or private settings has educational gaps. (Insert eye roll here.)

I have some comforting news for you; read on.
As a graduate of the public system, I can assure you I have plenty of educational gaps.
I never took chemistry, physics, or math beyond advanced algebra. How am I even a functioning adult?
The public system changes curricula, textbooks, programs, and methods at any point they see fit and does not assure it is a seamless, gap-free transition.
I don’t think I ever finished a textbook during any given school year. Wouldn’t that create a gap?
What about the students who don’t apply themself and barely meet graduation standards? Wouldn’t they have gaps compared to the students graduating at the top of the class?

The point is, everyone everywhere from every system has educational gaps. It is inevitable. A gap-free education is not attainable.
Let’s back up for a moment. Who gets to decide the criteria of a “gap” anyway?
Is it not meeting district or state standards? Who gets to determine what the standard is? Do you see how this whole concept is very subjective?
A homeschool family may decide to allow their student to go deep into a subject area rather than broad, shallow learning (common in elementary science, for example). Would this student’s depth of knowledge be deemed a gap?

The general lack of understanding of the homeschool paradigm and some elitism from educational academics causes some to say, “yes.” This is unfortunate. Passionate experts are born from a desire to dig deep and work hard to know all there is about a subject.

I want to invite everyone reading this to begin agreeing that we all have gaps because we are: growing and progressing!
Any perceived gap is an opportunity to grow and progress, and we should strive to do that our whole life and continue to be a student of the beautiful life God has given us on his planet!
Not to mention we all carry a computer around in our pocket 24/7 that can give us the information we need within seconds. Isn’t that amazing?
In researching this post, I found a recent article backed by facts that suggest a differential in the performance of homeschool students between language arts subjects and mathematics subjects.
This surfaces in higher math courses parents may not be equipped to teach.
I found this fascinating with all the tools and resources available to parents to help in course work they are not proficient in teaching (such as Khan Academy, to name one).
We need to look honestly at any homeschool shortcomings and find solutions. If your students struggle in higher-level math, don’t give up until you find the course or resources to support their learning.

Besides Khan Academy (, there are programs with instruction components and even grading (Math-U-See and Teaching Textbooks).
My state offers Running Start.
Running Start is a dual credit enrollment program in Washington, Hawaii, New Hampshire, Montana and Illinois which allows high school juniors and seniors to attend college courses numbered 100 or above, while completing high school.
What does your state offer that could benefit your students?
Our focus should be, first and foremost, honoring God in our homeschool and tuning into his plan for our family.
Proverbs 22:6
Start children off on the way they should go,
and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
If you are diligent in providing your children with a rich and varied experience with Bible study, history, science, language arts, and math, you are on the right track!
Every year will look different, and you will switch gears many times. But guess what? It all comes together like a beautiful puzzle with many pieces that create an amazing picture!

Ignite a love of learning, and you will never go wrong! We are all students of life and should seek to continue our “gaps” (growing and progressing)!
If God has called you to homeschool, he will equip you to homeschool. The secular world cannot understand the faith we have in our God and that we don’t need to have everything figured out to have success.
Hebrews 13:20-21
Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, 21 equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.
How have you struggled feeling like your children would have educational gaps? How did you overcome this challenge? Leave a comment below and share your tips!