This is my second installment in “Draw for Bible memory”! Let’s draw and talk about some beautiful verses in the Bible, Psalm 19:1-4a!
[Video below]
If you didn’t see my first blog post or video on this where we drew Psalm 119:11, check it out: Draw Bible verses for memorization~(scripture memorization made fun).
The basic idea is to draw a picture to represent a word or group of words in the verse. It is fun, engaging, gets everyone involved and talking about the words and the meaning of the verse.

Psalm 19:1-4a
1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
3 They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
4 Yet their voice[b] goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world
This post will cover verse 1.
We have the words ‘declare’ and ‘proclaim’ in verse 1, which both suggest a formal, official, and emphatic emphasis on the ‘glory of God’ and the ‘work of his hands’. What is this pronouncement? The heavens and the skies! His created beauty, created from virtually nothing at all, and coming into existence by his spoken word alone. How amazing!

Their very existence tells volumes about God, who he is, and what he has done.
Isn’t it interesting how many people who don’t know the Lord love nature and desire to hike, climb, camp, go to the Ocean, or have an experience in this big beautiful world of ours, and don’t recognize they are partaking in something that is shouting God’s name and glory, calling out to them to recognize him and his power.
They make the mistake of worshipping the created instead of the Creator!

As you draw verse 1, remember the pictures are just cues to the words.
Talk with your kids about the words and their meaning, make changes to the pictures if you want to.
Ask them questions about the meaning and have a discussion as you are drawing.
Enjoy the process and don’t try and push everyone along just for the sake of ‘getting done’ or being able to ‘check the box’ when Bible is done for the day.
See where the Holy Spirit takes you on this adventure of drawing the Bible for memory!
Leave a comment below and tell me which Bible verse you would like to have drawn for Bible memory next!