I hope you’re having fun drawing Bible verses for memory! Engaging the artistic part of the brain is so rewarding as you commit God’s word to your heart! It will never be a waste of time to memorize scripture as it is God’s holy word that leads, guides, and directs our paths to righteousness!
If you haven’t seen Part I of Psalm 19, here it is:
Draw Psalm 19:1-4a for memory-Part I, verse 1
OK! Let’s dive into verses 2 & 3:

Psalm 19:1-4a
1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.
3 There is no speech or language
where their voice is not heard.
4 Yet their voice[b] goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world
In verse 1 we learned that God’s gorgeous creation speaks of the reality and glory of him and shouts to us to recognize this reality and worship him as the creator.
Verse 2 is still speaking of creation, ‘the heavens’ and ‘the skies’ which ‘pour forth speech’ and ‘display knowledge’. They speak to us in their beauty, complexity, vastness, and perfect harmony.
I love that they ‘pour forth speech’ as this gives me the idea that it is so abundant it is pouring non-stop from them day after day. Not an occasional trickle, but pouring forth.
When I think about creation and the skies I am drawn to the utter incomprehensiveness of outer space. Other galaxies, planets, stars…speaking of stars, here is one fact that will blow your socks off:

Scientists estimate that the number of stars in the universe hovers around 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars, or a septillion.
Why would God create a universe so big? We know that God is bigger than his creation, so think for a moment how big and omnipotent God must be to have created a universe so big we can’t even measure it.
Also, what ‘knowledge’ do the skies and heavens declare? This is fascinating. Knowledge implies facts, information, and understanding. Our skies are tangible objects of God’s existence, character, and wisdom. This is so awesome!
To me, verse 3 is saying although the skies and heavens do not have speech, they surround us at all times through our life and continually have a voice that speaks of God and ultimately his power and love for us.
Enjoy the video of Part II verses 2 & 3 and leave a comment below of how you have adapted this for your homeschool!
[…] Bible verse memorization trick! (Draw Psalm 19:1-4a for memory- Part II, verse 2 & 3) […]